Things are coming together
1/3/2019 - 9:25 PM
Just a quick update about what's going on in my life, regardless of whether or not you guys care.
So-- things are actually starting to come together. After an entire semester full of crippling self-doubt, a soul-sucking relationship that taught me a lot about myself, and the like, two things have happened.
One: I spent the first half of winter break writing a one-act play for Project Spotlight, a developmental theatre organization at UCF. I just got word that it was accepted, and they'll be producing it in the spring! The play is called Con Carne. It's the story of Jeremiah, a former vice-president of marketing at J.Crew and current youth pastor whose athiest daughter is catfishing him as God. Please go see it.
What's that? You don't think you can? You live too far away? You don't know me? Shush. Be more like Katelyn, a random person I messaged on Twitter while I was blitzed out of my gourd.
I'll make this promise now, and y'all better hold me to it: if you come to my show from out-of-state, I will let you stay in my appartment and cook you dinner and probably smoke you out and all that jazz, which will be a lot easier now that my narc of a forty-seven-year-old room mate has finally moved out. Expect a five-star treatment.
Two: I just got an internship at a local non-profit that teaches at-risk kids how to skate and surf. As far as I know, I'll be doing social media, advertising, blogging, podcasting, and accompanying the founder on a trip to Haiti to explore what kind of outreach we could do there. There's more in the works, but I don't want to end my internship before it starts so I'm gonna keep my mouth shut. Really exciting stuff.
This was the hidden post btw.
I'm hiding a post!
1/4/2019 - 2:39 AM
I have hidden an earlier blog post. A real blog post, not a test post, not a lorem ipsum post, not a blog post alluding to hidden "real blog post, but a hidden real blog post.
Will reveal when the time has come.
Peace and love,
Hunter Spicy
Lorem Ipsum!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sagittis congue lorem ac tincidunt. Maecenas vitae purus vel tortor efficitur iaculis. Sed tempus, turpis ac ultrices pulvinar, enim nulla malesuada tortor, in tincidunt quam justo eu enim. Duis sodales eros tellus, eu placerat justo tincidunt in. Fusce ultrices sit amet diam vel finibus. Aenean neque quam, rhoncus in rhoncus quis, porta non purus. Cras pharetra vulputate diam et lacinia.
Cras vulputate ipsum id placerat semper. Integer suscipit iaculis felis, vel consequat metus tempus id. Fusce vitae imperdiet justo, a tempus urna. Phasellus sed vulputate quam. Donec volutpat magna ultrices augue molestie vulputate. Praesent egestas sagittis vehicula. Sed accumsan risus id diam finibus tempus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus id lorem rutrum, sodales mauris a, aliquet ligula. Proin eleifend pulvinar risus, in fermentum dolor gravida vel. Integer tempor vitae magna placerat molestie.
Integer eget tortor vulputate, ultrices odio eget, maximus mi. Nulla vel massa in nulla pulvinar egestas. Nunc nec ullamcorper velit, ac faucibus lorem. Curabitur pulvinar urna risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla in nisi in mauris hendrerit gravida in nec eros. Aliquam euismod eros ut hendrerit rutrum. In luctus non justo a venenatis. Sed fringilla ultricies erat, sed commodo turpis iaculis ac. Vivamus hendrerit risus in velit porta consectetur.
Nam scelerisque sapien sed neque tempor, non accumsan quam placerat. Cras fermentum ultrices metus, et pretium sapien aliquet in. Nulla fringilla ex vitae magna sodales facilisis. Aenean ut tempus risus. Quisque magna nisl, tempus eget tempus in, gravida non lacus. Integer tristique turpis at magna lobortis luctus. Fusce bibendum felis sit amet tincidunt tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus eu velit non odio ultricies vestibulum. Suspendisse semper ligula ac diam vehicula, nec malesuada mauris finibus.
Quisque a nulla sed ligula viverra ullamcorper. Cras convallis nulla sed ante tristique commodo. Mauris justo dui, fringilla ut tortor eu, aliquam tristique enim. Fusce vel leo nunc. Morbi felis orci, vestibulum ut euismod a, ornare vitae odio. Fusce quis ante feugiat, mattis ipsum ut, gravida mi. Aliquam sagittis ullamcorper libero, eget elementum augue pretium eu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus interdum eros eget consectetur suscipit. Sed imperdiet hendrerit neque quis feugiat. Nam luctus urna ut elit facilisis, vel porta dui mollis. Suspendisse non nulla quis libero congue accumsan sit amet at velit. Mauris erat nisi, vulputate vitae ex ac, blandit tincidunt turpis. Vestibulum imperdiet, mauris et tempor posuere, felis nulla rutrum lorem, eu malesuada magna lacus quis felis.